Time management is as much mindset as it is skillset. Henry Ford said, “If you think you can, or think you can’t, either way you’re right.” Most of the professional train wrecks I know are certain they have no control over their time. They are perpetual victims and live in the world of self-fulfilling prophecy. Sure, they have no system whatsoever, and that’s a big part of the problem. That will be the subject of another blog post. In all the people I’ve coached through the years, there was a clear and direct relationship between attitude and effective time management.
So let’s flip the script. Can a positive attitude be a time management tool? Yes, yes, yes! Think about this – what happens the day before you go on vacation? Amazingly, everything gets done that day. Why? Motivation! You will move heaven and earth to make sure you don’t miss that flight to paradise. You KNOW you can do this! You are so excited you become a super hero with boundless energy. This drives you to do a few things:
* You’ll be super focused on the goal.
* You’ll be very clear on what you must do and what may not really have to be done.
* You’ll identify and use all available resources.
* You’ll be ridiculously efficient in all your activity. Fast and furious with no wasted motion.
* Positive attitude creates energy.
* Motivation drives clarity.
* Clarity drives efficiency.
* Tasks are not necessarily static.
* It all starts with attitude.
How cool would it be if every day could be like the day before you go on vacation? Attitude. It’s the secret weapon of time management.