Tag Archives: Udemy


This one is a bit of a departure. Let me explain.

I really, really enjoy learning from Seth Godin, so when he announced he was offering a course for freelancers on Udemy I had to take a look.   Being the Tomasaurus Rex, I will always choose live classes over online courses, but I have to say I am enjoying this one.  Hey, it’s Seth…how could I go wrong?



The course is a series of short lectures and exercises.  There’s a genuine Seth tagline at the top of all the exercises:

(Do these exercises online, in public.  Blog them or put them on Facebook.  Speak up.  Speak out.)


OK, I don’t always follow that direction.  This time I will.  The exercise was to create a list of 10 things you deliver to your client.  Wow, what a clarifier!  I had to think about work I’ve done; workshops, presentations, strategic planning sessions, consultations, analysis, mentoring, training.  I thought long and hard about the feedback I got, what worked, and what didn’t.  I realized why I am always so exhausted after an engagement.  And I found myself remembering why I love to do this stuff.  I enjoyed writing the list so much I came up with 11 (if I was Jeffrey Gitomer, the last one would be “10.5” – ha!).

It’s great to recognize what you deliver, and even better to recognize how you client benefits from it. What you deliver is unique, and so are the benefits to your client.

So here’s my list.  I want to say Seth made me share this with you.  But it’s my responsibility.

1. I deliver clarity; I help my clients see things they couldn’t see before, or grab things that had been out of reach.

2. I deliver a bridge to help my clients transcend the gap between frustration or potential, and success.

3. I deliver context so my clients can make better decisions.

4. I deliver dot connection; I remind my clients of what they already know, add a little something new, and put them in a position to put it all together.

5. I deliver enthusiasm, which puts my clients in a position to be motivated.

6. I deliver optimism, which puts my clients in a position to be confident.

7. I deliver a custom message to each client, rooted in rock solid fundamentals and as off the wall as may be necessary to satisfy my client’s needs.

8. I deliver actionable solutions where fuzzy needs and wants once existed.

9. I deliver good where bad used to be.

10. I deliver great where good used to be.

11. I deliver the result of everything I’ve learned in life and business. It’s as real as I can make it. My clients get my best, period

What’s on you list?  Yes…you do have one.  Everybody does.