The time has come to leap. I’m not sure anyone is ever really ready for major life events. The best we can do is be prepared.
I’ve had the best mentors. I’ve seen how condominium associations, HOAs and housing cooperatives can be wildly successful and been privileged to be a part of it. I’ve seen (and hopefully been a part of) management done right. The joy and honor of service is deeply ingrained in my mind and heart. I’ve formed a gazillion creative collaborations and professional connections. As I ponder over my contacts list I’m blown away, realizing how many amazing and supportive people I know. I’ve helped plenty of associations and boards turn things around. I’ve been thrilled to see the light bulb go on in the eyes of managers and associates when we got to Aha! moments. I’ve been in unique situations and been asked to do uncommon things. It has been a wild ride so far, not to mention an education better than anything I could have imagined 30 years ago.
I’ve also made every mistake known to mankind. I’ve botched communications. I’ve tried to do everything myself and failed miserably. I’ve gotten out of kilter and off-balance. I’ve been myopic and missed context. I’ve forgotten what’s important, though thankfully, not for long.
I have a great team. I have a phalanx of amazing professionals who stand ready to partner with me to provide my clients with amazing results. Special thanks to Chantu Chea, CMCA®, who has helped me find my voice and calls me out when I make no sense whatsoever. She’s the best editor I’ve ever had. As the King of Typos and tortured syntax, her help with my blog and work product is invaluable. She and my webmaster, graphic designer & IT guru Cassandra Laine are amazing collaborators.
I am deeply grateful to everyone who has taught me, corrected me, supported me, pushed me, and pulled me. I carry them with me every day. I cannot list them all here, but I can honor them by passing forward the remarkable things they’ve helped me to learn. And I can help others avoid the mistakes I’ve made.
So, as of July 1, I’m no longer a corporate guy. I’ll be consulting full-time under the Association Bridge, LLC banner. The mission:
We create spaces where community association leaders and the professionals who serve them can successfully navigate the challenges they face, reach the goals they choose, find satisfaction and joy in their service, and make raving fans of association members.
The wild ride continues. I’m not ready. If I wait for everything to be perfect, nothing will ever happen. But right here right now, I’m as prepared as I can be. Leap time!